Saturday, March 8, 2008

Marry Me Baby, I Love You... guess Love is not enough anymore :-/

(i cursed ALOT in this post. But please just read and understand the message I'm trying to give)

I have Never understood why in America, tha land of tha free, People can't marry who they want.

Now its plenty straight couples thats married that don't even love each other, so why is gay people that Do love eachother barred from marriage?

I'm so tired of hearin that bullshit ass excuse "If we allow gay marriage, whats next?" .... (-_-) seriously? Bitch, Love is next, since when has love been socially damaging? I hate that shit when they be sayin, "We might as well allow beastiality" What tha fuck does two humans fuckin got to do wit animal fuckin? I'm just sayin, shit don't make sense to me.

Carry Underwood said it best // "When You Figure Out Love Is All That Matters After All, It Sure Makes Everything Else Seem So Small" So a message to all my homos in love, Don't worry about what tha country say, what fake ass people say, what tha government say. If you love yo mate, then thats ALL that matters, Fuck EVERYBODY else and i don't apologize for my language.

And another thing that i JUST learned in school, in the American Constitution, the FIRST Amendment says that America cannot make LAWS based on RELIGION. The main argument that straight governments use is that its against tha bible, so in other words, its actually ILLEGAL to keep gay people from marrying, according to the Constitution.

I'm just sayin...


Anonymous said...

Your Absolutly Right, Why Cant We Get Married? It is Illegal to Make Laws Based on Religon but the Administration Ignores Those Laws.

tallbubba said...

whoa whoa whoa... you cant used the laws set forth by the founders of our country! I mean, we are just homos, we have no rights, we look cute and spend lots of money to make everyone else look bad!

wait a minute...

Raynemoon said...

I have to absolutely agree with you!!!!!!! I am straight and therefore was allowed to marry as a young and dumb girl to a man I should never have married in the first place. We can get married for all sorts of fucked off reasons, but 2 men who are truely in love and want to be together forever don't get that right.

I don't care who you fall in love with. In this world, if you find someone that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, why does it matter who they are? Finding love is hard enough without all the rules.

Mark in DE said...

I agree, we need to hold our elected officials to task and remind them of the separation between church and state. Everyone is welcomed to have religious views which they practice in church and in their homes, but they should not legislate those religious beliefs on other people.

As GLBT people adversely affected, we really need to start calling our writing our elected officials about this. 'The squeeky wheel gets the grease'.

Mark :-)

CrackerLilo said...

Best use of a Carrie Underwood lyric *ever*. :-)

Seriously, I totally agree. I'm very interested in the outcomes of the cases going on in California and Vermont right now. Toes crossed so I can type!